Software >> OS >> Windows >> API >> ADSI >> ADO >> How to use ADO to query Active Directory

Dim con As New Connection, rs As New Recordset Dim Com As New Command 'Open a Connection object con.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" con.Open "Active Directory Provider" 'Create a command object on this connection Set Com.ActiveConnection = con Com.CommandText = "select name from 'LDAP://DC=ArcadiayBay,DC=COM' where objectClass='*' ORDER BY NAME" '----------------------------------------- 'Set the preferences for Search '-------------------------------------- Com.Properties("Page Size") = 1000 Com.Properties("Timeout") = 30 'seconds Com.Properties("searchscope") = ADS_SCOPE_SUBTREE '-------------------------------------------- 'Execute the query '-------------------------------------------- Set rs = Com.Execute '-------------------------------------- ' Navigate the record set '---------------------------------------- While Not rs.EOF Debug.Print rs.Fields("Name").Value rs.MoveNext Wend