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Q.987richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::7:: How to use rundll32 to perform tasks from the command line.
Q.988richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: What are the fields in the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files.
Q.989richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: what is an image.
Q.990richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How does solaris 11 resolves hostname lookup and how is it different from solaris 10.
Q.991richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to check a particular property of a service in SMF.
Q.992richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::Zones:: Where to find more information about zones.
Q.993richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::ZFS:: How to display zfs snapshots when it is not listed by zfs list command.
Q.994richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::SSH:: What are the differences between authorized_keys and known_hosts file.
Q.995plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use if exist to check for file/dir.
Q.996richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Networking:: How to assign or deassign static or dynamic IP address to a an interface starting with datalink status of unknown for NCP DefaultFixed.
Q.997richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the special permissions setuid, setgid and sticky bit.
Q.998richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::ZFS:: What is the difference between refquota and quota property of a ZFS dataset.
Q.999richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::ZFS:: What are the different quotas and reservations that can be set on a ZFS dataset.
Q.1000richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to show the mapping between datalink names and the physical device names.
Q.1001richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What is the difference between 'su' and 'su -'.
Q.1002richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::SPARC:: How to view or modify the HostID in a SUN SPARC server from openboot or solaris environment.
Q.1003richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::zones:: How to perform various common tasks on a zone.
Q.1004richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::zfs:: how to backup and restore zfs snaphot.
Q.1005richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris:: Where is the minimum password length setting set and what is the default.
Q.1006richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::IPS:: What are the 2 types of IPS repositories.
Q.1007richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: What are the characteristics of running liveCD.
Q.1008richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Zones:: What are types of zones and the commands to create them.
Q.1009richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Zones:: How to identify an immutable zone.
Q.1010richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::ZFS:: How to relabel a disk with SMI (VTOC) label e.g. when recovering ZFS root disk.
Q.1011richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to install boot block on Solaris 11 SPARC/x86.
Q.1015richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to determine what are the default values used during user account creation by useradd and how to customise it.
Q.1016richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: what are coreadm and dumpadm and what are the differences.
Q.1017richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Patching:: How to check for and/or install package updates.
Q.1018richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Certification::1Z0-822:: What are the exam topics.
Q.1019plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to extract the weekday from current date and assign to environment variable.
Q.1023richtextSoftware::OS::Unix:: What are the fields in /etc/syslog.conf and what is the file format.
Q.1029plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to build a batch command file with syntax / usage message.
Q.1035richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris:: How to set the Internal Field Separator (IFS) to modify the behaviour of for loops when processing text files.
Q.1036richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris:: How to set the Internal Field Separator (IFS) to "newline" to allow processing a file line by line using for loop.
Q.1040richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to configure default gateway and DNS servers for static IP.
Q.1044richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux::Networking:: How to configure for static IP.
Q.1047richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux::RHEL:: How to switch from text login to graphical (desktop) login.
Q.1048richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::8:: How to enable bluetooth speaker/earphone.
Q.1049richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to change from console (text) login to desktop (graphical) login and vice versa.
Q.1050richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to enable root to login to the desktop with Gnome Desktop Manager (GDM).
Q.1067richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: pkg command examples and how to patch using Oracle Solaris Support repository.
Q.1071richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::ZFS:: Where does Solaris keep its zfs configuration and how to repair a damaged configuration.
Q.1072richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Networking::IPMP:: Factsheet on IPMP (IP MultiPathing).
Q.1073richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to ensure nfs server service can start.
Q.1074richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: What is the order of precedence for SMF repository layers to decide which setting is delivered to the service..
Q.1075richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Zones:: How to remove the resource pool property of a zone configuration.
Q.1076richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to find out the environment variables used by a process.
Q.1077richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to change or set a particular environment variable for a service.
Q.1078richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to obtain more information to troubleshoot service failures.
Q.1079richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to repair a service in maintenance state.
Q.1080richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: What are the files used for Role Based Access Control (roles, profiles, authorizations, privileges).
Q.1081richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::Shell:: How to find files older than X days and list the files showing date in numeric month format and filename and sorted by date.
Q.1082richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to debug and determine privileges required by a command using ppriv command.
Q.1083richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to configure system log (syslog) as the audit message destination.
Q.1084richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: How to convert a disk label from EFI to SMI and vice versa.
Q.1085richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::10::What are the examples of zpool/zfs commands.
Q.1086richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Zones:: What are the zone related commands.
Q.1087richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::10 and above:: How to view process priority and scheduling class.
Q.1088richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11:: What are some of the system monitoring commands.
Q.1089richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Where to get tail command line for windows.