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Q.1412richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to obtain the last password set date and time for all windows users.
Q.1584richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to output special characters from batch command.
Q.1444richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to recycle IIS application pool from command line.
Q.1559plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to remove double quotes " enclosing the value of an environment variable.
Q.746richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to rename files matching a pattern.
Q.908plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to rename files with the date stamp prefix prepended.
Q.2richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to reveal hidden files.
Q.2177plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to search strings in files.
Q.1681plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to set user account expiry by NET command.
Q.580plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to synchronize folders and files using xcopy.
Q.1183richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use cacls.exe to set acl to a directory recursively.
Q.1538plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use dsquery tool to check whether a username exist in active directory.
Q.1377richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use psexec to run cmd prompt with SYSTEM Privilege.
Q.1209richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use registry commands to enable, disable or set proxy server properties.
Q.650plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to deny printing.
Q.108richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to deny printing to specific user.
Q.1686plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to grant printer permission.
Q.109richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to revoke printer permission.
Q.651plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to revoke printer permission.
Q.2175plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to revoke printer permission.
Q.107richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to show/set printer permissions.
Q.649plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to show/set printer permissions.
Q.1674plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Printers::How to manage printers from command line.
Q.1263plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Summary of command line tools.
Q.1738plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Tasklist.exe::What are some of the sample usage of this command.
Q.1544plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Unix tools::tar::How to restore a gzipped tar.
Q.1195plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Unix tools::tar::How to use tar to backup with compression.
Q.1617plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: WMIC::How to obtain ip address info for network interface cards (NIC) on local and remote machine.
Q.2070richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What are the IF comparison operators.
Q.712plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What are the command line shortcuts to MMC consoles.
Q.1394richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What are the command lines for Remove Destop Services.
Q.1439richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What are the commands for perrformance monitoring and how to convert various output file formats.
Q.792plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What are the commands you can type at the run box.
Q.1415richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What are the shortcut commands to microsoft admin consoles.
Q.1510plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What is the syntax of DSACLS.EXE.
Q.1438plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What is the syntax of logman.exe command.
Q.657plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: What is the syntax regedit.
Q.1089richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: Where to get tail command line for windows.
Q.1093plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: findstr::How to use findstr with regular expressions search.
Q.940plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: how to disable a group of domain users listed in a file.
Q.1513plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::Active Directory:: How to get user information from specific domain root.
Q.1514plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::Active Directory:: How to use command line tools to manage active directory objects.
Q.759plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::Active Directory:: How to use dsquery and dsget to query AD information.
Q.1900richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::Batch:: How to obtain the file name, extention, drive letter, path and fullpath of the running script.
Q.1158richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use FOR command to process each file matching a pattern and rename with a prefix.
Q.1391richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use FOR to loop through a set of literals and run a command on it - for example to set the password for a set of users.
Q.106richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use FOR to loop thru a range of variables or list of numbers.
Q.1140plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use FOR to loop thru and process each file in a directory.
Q.1122plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use FOR to process each line in a text file.
Q.1982plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use for loop to rename all files with multiple words separated by a delimiter like dash and inserting additional word in the middle of the name.
Q.1636richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use for to loop through and process each line of output from a command or batch script.
Q.1287plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use for to rename multiple files with same pattern.
Q.639plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: What is the difference in for syntax in command line and batch files.
Q.745plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: What is the syntax of the FOR command.
Q.90richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to assign a current day of the week to an environment variable.
Q.89plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to build usage display in a batch file.
Q.70richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to export registry keys/values from a registry path.
Q.21richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to find the system up time.
Q.41richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to get help for net command.
Q.86richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to put multiple commands on one line.