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Q.74richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::What is the syntax for the AT command.
Q.75richtextSoftware::OS::OpenVMS::How to use the PIPE command.
Q.84richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux::RHEL:: How to change your machine hostname.
Q.85richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::NT::How to perform NT backup from command line (legacy information).
Q.86richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to put multiple commands on one line.
Q.87richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to measure the time taken to execute a command.
Q.88richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to synchronize folders and files using xcopy.
Q.89plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to build usage display in a batch file.
Q.90richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::How to assign a current day of the week to an environment variable.
Q.91richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux::How to use modprobe to probe a loadable kernel module.
Q.92richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to use insmod to install a loadable kernel module.
Q.93richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::11::Desktop::GNOME:: How to resolve issue of terminal (gnome-terminal) not able to be launched after fresh install.
Q.104richtextSoftware::OS::OpenVMS:: How to enter command mode in edit/tpu.
Q.105richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::What is the difference in variable syntax for command line versus batch files.
Q.106richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::For:: How to use FOR to loop thru a range of variables or list of numbers.
Q.107richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to show/set printer permissions.
Q.108richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to deny printing to specific user.
Q.109richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line:: How to use subinacl to revoke printer permission.
Q.110richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Setup:: How to migrate existing windows from one hardware to another (dissimilar) hardware.
Q.116richtextSoftware::Development::Java::Frameworks:: What are the major java based frameworks.
Q.117plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Active Directory:: How to extract list of objects from mmc console.
Q.119plainSoftware::OS::Windows::RPC over HTTP:: What is it, how to set it up and where to get more information.
Q.122richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Solaris::commands::find:: How to find files larger or smaller than a certain size from a particular directory.
Q.123plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Tru64::networking:: How to add static route.
Q.124plainSoftware::Services::X Windows::On Linux:: What is the startup sequence of X Windows on Linux.
Q.125plainSoftware::Applications::Automation::Expect:: Where to find documentation on Expect for Windows.
Q.126plainSoftware::OS::Windows::NT:: How to unsave password in Remote Access Services Phone Dialer (RASPHONE).
Q.127plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: Where is the home directory and default shell for a user defined.
Q.128plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: How to enable or disable certain users from accessing the FTP server.
Q.129plainSoftware::Services::NFS::On Linux:: How to setup NFS client and server on Linux.
Q.130plainSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux::mc:: How to connect to an ftp server from Midnight Commander (mc).
Q.131richtextSoftware::OS::Unix::Linux:: What is the linux boot sequence.
Q.132plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Command Line::at::How to use the 'at' command.
Q.134plainSoftware::OS::Unix:: How to create a new user.
Q.135plainSoftware::OS::OpenVMS::DCL:: How to obtain system date in various formats.
Q.136plainSoftware::OS::OpenVMS::DCL:: How to handle dates with single digit dates.
Q.150plainSoftware::Services::RDBMS::MySQL:: What are the wildcard characters and escape characters.
Q.151plainSoftware::Development::API::ADO:: How to enable Recordset.RecordCount property when using SQLOLEDB.
Q.152richtextSoftware::Applications::Microsoft Office::Excel::Keyboard Shortcut:: Ctrl-Enter - Input the same data on multiple cells.
Q.153plainSoftware::Development::API::ADO:: How to make ADODB work with Oracle 8i database.
Q.161plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Scripting::VBScript:: How to do regular expresssions pattern match with regexp.
Q.162plainSoftware::OS::Windows::NT:: How to check number of / names of users connected to the server.
Q.163plainSoftware::Applications::XML::XSLT:: How can XSLT (xml stylesheets) be rendered.
Q.166plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Scripting::VBscript:: How to write to a text file.
Q.167plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Scripting::VBScript:: How to loop through files in a directory.
Q.168plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Scripting::VBScript:: How to handle errors during script execution.
Q.174plainSoftware::OS::Windows::API::CDO:: How to install CDO.
Q.189plainSoftware::OS::Windows::Components::ActiveX::3rd Party::ViewPoint:: How to create a viewpoint object.
Q.200plainSoftware::Services::X Windows::On Linux:: How to configure XFree86 server on Linux.
Q.204plainSoftware::OS::Windows::API::ADSI:: How to list the OUs under a given active directory container.
Q.207plainSoftware::OS::Windows::API::ADSI::ADO:: How to list groups in another domain in the forest.
Q.211plainSoftware::OS::Windows::API::ADSI::ADO:: How to use ADO to query Active Directory.
Q.212plainSoftware::Services::FTP::Client:: How to perform site specific remote commands on the FTP server from Microsoft FTP client.
Q.213plainSoftware::Services::iSCSI::For Linux:: How to start iscsi target.
Q.214plainSoftware::Internet::Web Browsers::IE:: How to set page header and footer in Internet Explorer.
Q.216plainSoftware::Services::DNS:: How to check which DNS server is authoritative for a domain.
Q.217richtextSoftware::OS::Windows::Server 2003:: What are the different editions of windows server 2003.
Q.218plainSoftware::Services::HTTP Server::IIS::6:: How to ensure that an IIS-configured custom error script can run when serving ASP.Net pages from IIS 6.
Q.220plainSoftware::Development::Languages::Java:: How to write and execute first java program.
Q.222plainSoftware::Services::LDAP::openldap::v2.2.13::How to check what SASL mechanisms are supported at the LDAP server.